A photographer’s style may differ from the style of another. Some photographers’ work is influenced by others’ photographs. Others find their images more personal. Many photographers strive to take photographs that are both personal and expressive. Whether the photographer is a hobbyist or a professional, they all strive to produce the best images possible.

Michael Corsentino

Michael Corsentino, photographer and editor of Fotophile, has been documenting the urban landscape for almost 25 years. His work has been featured in private collections and museum exhibitions. His work was co-curated in 2001 at the Brooklyn Museum and he has edited Fotophile magazine since 1993. His work focuses on contemporary life from a timeless perspective and he is known for photographing people who are not normally in the spotlight.


Henri Cartier-Bresson was a humanist photographer and pioneer of candid photography. He defined photography as capturing decisive moments. He is often considered the master of candid photography. He was also a pioneer of street photography. In his street photography, he documented street scenes and the people that made them.

Henri Cartier-Bresson introduced a new aesthetic to photography, forming the modern photojournalism movement. His work incorporated an artful sense of composition and content and was influenced by modern philosophy. He sought to achieve the perfect balance between content and composition, describing a decisive moment as the simultaneous recognition of form and significance. His photographs were often beautifully framed, as well.

In 1931, he travelled to Cote d’Ivoire in French colonial Africa. While there, he read Joseph Conrad’s novel, “Heart of Darkness.” He hunted for game and sold it to the local villagers. During this time, he took photographs with a second-hand Krauss camera. Unfortunately, he contracted blackwater fever and died of the illness.

Emily von Hoffmann

Emily von Hoffmann is a photographer who has devoted her career to documenting animal life in the wild. Her work has graced the covers of magazines such as Animal World, Woman, and Wildlife Conservation. Though she dislikes photo contests, she was recently honored for winning a photography award in the Zoos and Aquariums category of the 2011 Nature’s Best Photography Awards Exhibition. Her winning image is of a Rothschild giraffe mother and calf, which captures the bond between mother and offspring.